fire Rescue

Elsie Area Rescue is a division of the Elsie Area Fire Department. Elsie Rescue provides a Medical First Response service.
Elsie Rescue is licensed by the State of Michigan and will respond to an emergency scene with a medical first responder, EMT, or Paramedic and equipment required by the state/medical control before the arrival of an ambulance.
Elsie Rescue provides medical first response to an Advanced Life Support unit such as Clinton Area Ambulance, Mobile Medical Response, and Owosso City Ambulance. Elsie Rescue has 2 fully equipped Medical First Response Units. This includes medical equipment such as splints, bandages, airway adjuncts, and defibrillators aka AED. Elsie Rescue also is equipped with special equipment for moving patients such as stair chairs, mega movers stokes baskets. These units respond to Heart Attacks, Strokes, Car Accidents, and event standby. Rescue 1 is equipped with extrication tools (aka the Jaws of life)
The rescues have medical control privileges in Tri-County Medical Control ( Clinton, Ingham & Eaton County) along with Shiawassee Medical Control and Saginaw County Medical Control.

Rescue 1 Rescue 2
Medical/Extrication Unit Medical Response